Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tithe from Every Transaction

"Sir the accounts will never balance if we keep removing ten percent from every transaction" 

Michael looked at his accountant and smiled and then he said "you will not have a job soon if we stop removing that ten percent" 

Michael had come a long way in such a short time, his business was just five years old but they were listed as one of the Fortune 500 companies and he was the youngest on the Forbes list. 

Michael had a practice that all his  accountants could never understand, he tithed from every transaction and  transferred it to his church. The accountants felt it was not smart yet business got better every year.

When I hear business men talk about feasibility studies and consumer behavior and how a particular amount of money will come back if they invest xyz amount I just laugh because in the world of business, NOTHING IS CERTAIN! But when I see a business that tithes from every transaction, they have my attention. YOUR TITHE AND SEEDS ARE THE ONLY CERTAIN INVESTMENTS ON EARTH! 

Sapphire Scents tithes from every kobo, we don't spend money without first removing our tithe because we know what makes business work. 

Money is the god of this world, many people have learnt how to pray and fast but when it comes to money matters, they don't believe that part of the bible.  If you create the habit of worshipping God with your first and best when it comes to money, you will NEVER lack it! 

God did not ask us to give Him money, He asked us to HONOR Him! 

Proverbs 3:9 (MSG) says "Honor God with everything you own, give him the first and the best, your barns (bank account) will burst and your wine vats will brim over! 

In those days they used barns for storage, today a barn will be your bank account. God says when you honor Him, increase is guaranteed! Begin to practice this covenant in your business and see what will happen. This is not common sense, it is kingdom sense. 

You too can be a social media evangelist. Please share so that others can be blessed as you have been blessed. #ThankYouJesus

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